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Product Review: Sound Sleep Cocoon
Night creams are not new. There are many products that offer a night-time renewal or transformation since your skin absorbs ingredients best at night. However, I have yet to find one that actually helps you sleep! I bet if someone told you that you would not only wake up looking great but also after a restful night of sleep, you would be skeptical.

Let me share with you my experience with the new Sound Sleep Cocoon from Dermalogica. I too was skeptical. I was used to heavy night creams with moisture that soaked into my face overnight, but would wake up feeling greasy. The creams worked and my skin was hydrated, but so were my pillows, blankets, and pajamas! In addition, it took me a few rounds of tossing and turning to fall asleep and when I did, I was easily woken up by my own movements. When I heard about this new product that was more of a gel than a heavy cream that actually helps you sleep – I knew I needed to try it.
Within the first few days of adding the Sound Sleep Cocoon to my night-time routine, I knew this product was going to be a keeper. The delightful lavender smell was the first thing I noticed. I even put a little extra gel under my nose because of how soothing the scent was. I discovered from reading the ingredients that this product has motion-activated essential oils, including French lavender, sandalwood and patchouli, that released as I moved around during the night. The next benefit I noticed was the increase in my skin’s hydration. The fine lines and wrinkles were smoothing out overnight and my skin felt softer and more even.
The final benefit, and a bit of a surprise to me, was the website portal created for this new product – The website includes tips and further information on how to use the product. However, what I was not expecting is that the website has soothing sounds to help you sleep via a playlist by NuCalm! I played it right from my phone as I was sleeping and before I knew it, I was waking up the next day refreshed with soft, smooth, hydrated skin.