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Nicole Verzyden

For the past five years, Nicole Verzyden has worked with her team of professional therapists to make The Spa at Deerhurst a beacon of Canada’s spa industry. The spa completed a full renovation and redesign in December 2007, accompanied by a new menu of high-end services. Before her time as director at Deerhurst, Verzyden worked at a consulting and design firm offering services, products, equipment, and education to spas across Canada. She worked with many spa owners and managers to strengthen businesses and and educate staff.

The most frightening thing I’ve ever done was…stand up in front of a group of people for the first time and give a full-day seminar. I actually had to walk out of the class at one point to regroup. After finding my confidence, training and educating in the spa industry has become a passion.

The most important part of a spa is…the hiring process and training. Employees, including concierge and reception staff, are the heart of the spa business. Ensuring the right people are hired and comprehensive training programs are offered is key to success.

If my spa offered one service…it would have to be a hybrid between a facial and a massage. Combining these two would truly give a full body treatment.

The most relaxing sound in the world is…waves crashing on the beach.

I joined this industry because…I enjoy feeling like I have made a difference in people’s lives.

My guilty pleasure is…shopping for high heels and handbags!

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