In the spa industry, hiring the right employee always benefits owners By Brooke SmithFor employers, hiring a qualified employee can…
YOUR 2021 CHECKLIST FOR SUCCESS: Start with the 5 M’s
This year, plan to harness the power skills of flexibility, resilience and creativity. What worked yesterday may not work tomorrow, which can look and feel like failure; reframe “failure” as feedback, and count your wins (no matter how small) each day. Forging your future from the bumpy unknown can take its toll on you. This year, focus on recovery: A wellness practice should include quality sleep, meditation and restorative movement. Your business needs you to go the distance. Build your endurance to embrace change.
There are several simple steps you can take to strengthen your business. Spa services and wellness education are vital to consumers. Make your offerings more relevant with a few tweaks.
The first “M” is MENU
1. Divide your menu of services into “fast” and “slow” beauty. Think about it in terms of results and recovery, or yin and yang. Fatigue is real; we need to take it seriously. Energy is the new currency. When people feel drained, aging accelerates and their body shows the signs, inside and out. Help people recover their energy before you task their cellular metabolism to produce younger-looking skin.
Build in recovery time during the “slow” beauty services; include time for rest by adding meditation and massage. Use this time to restore and prepare the mind, body and soul for what’s next. Suggest a home care routine to replenish, nourish and strengthen; for example, daily yoga practice is an easy add-on that almost anyone can do.
Use “fast” beauty for active, expedient and results-oriented treatments. Once rested, you can task the body to detox, firm, smooth and brighten. Prescribe dynamic home care to achieve specific goals; this is a good time to promote products such as massage oils and facial scrubs.
2. Solve problems and offer solutions. You don’t need to offer everything to everyone; think about the beauty and wellness problems you are best at solving and focus on those. Become the “go to” provider and advisor for what feels right for your business. Think of three types of ideal clients that most benefit from what you do. Organize your offers, social media and marketing to speak directly to them so they can find you.
3. Create a treatment roadmap. Shift from being a task-focused service provider to achieve a bigger vision. Instead of offering one treatment and waiting for your client to rebook, or selling courses of treatments that are six of the same kind, create a treatment roadmap with a combination of fast and slow beauty services. Elevate your client to reach their peak potential.

The second “M” is MARKETING
4. Become a lead magnet. Don’t wait for the phone to ring; use to create a digital mini course. Grow your CRM. Gift your clients and prospects with value-driven education in exchange for their emails when they find your website or social media sites. Build an email campaign to turn their curiosity into consultations and fill your bookings.
5. Use your Instagram account as your professional TV channel and magazine. Create a theme for each day of the week to be consistent. Offer a mix of motivating quotes, beauty and wellness education, live shopping and written or visual testimonials about your team.
6. Develop a client loyalty lifecycle. Map your in-spa and online client journey. Include every point of interaction your clients have with you. Build out your online follow-up to help them follow through with their home care programs until they come back for their next visit. Email for a free guide:
The third “M” is MONEY
7. Be committed to profit. Most spas count their profits after all expenses have been paid. No matter what, take 10 percent from the sales you make and put it into a profit account, then pay your expenses. Develop a profit-first mindset. When you raise your self worth, you raise your net worth. Download your free profit calculator at:
8. Share the big picture. If you have asked your team to take less pay or decreased their hours, increase your communication and transparency. Help them see and share your goal to keep the business running for their long-term career success. Share your step-by-step plan to get through these hard times and be open to their ideas. Team motivation rises when people feel valued and included.
Another important “M” is MINDSET
9. Become an opportunist. Look for the opportunity in all things. How can the situation you are in work for you, and not against you? Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. Recognize each problem for its possibilities and develop new strategies to redefine success.
Last but not least: MASTERY
10. Invest in your education. Personal and professional growth courses create the highest return on investment. The right tools, insight and skill set are the difference between suffering and celebrating. Break the illusion of self-sufficiency; don’t go it alone. Hire a coach, find a mentor, join a network. Get into conversation with success-minded colleagues to thrive in the new economy. This will energize you and keep you growing. To believe in yourself is to invest in yourself. You have the power to live your dreams.